2020 Conference Program

The SCMEA Conference Program is available! Click the hyperlink for either the Conference Program 2020 (Complete) or Conference Program (Schedule Only). 

Spring Edition of the SC Musician is now online!

The spring edition (with conference highlights) of our magazine, the SC Musician, is now online! Check it out! https://www.scmea.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/SC-Musician-Spring19.pdf

Awards Deadline Extended

Please consider nominating a deserving colleague, student, administrator, or business/community leader for one of our SCMEA Awards! The deadlines have been extended to November 30, 2018. Visit https://www.scmea.net/about/awards/ for more information…

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College and Career Readiness Standards

The field review for the South Carolina College-and Career-Ready (CCR) Standards for Visual and Performing Arts Proficiency is now posted on the SC Department of Education website.  (http://ed.sc.gov/instruction/standards-learning/visual-and-performing-arts/standards/)   The new…

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