Scroll of Excellence



Congratulations to Christie Hodge, Band and Choral Director at Ware Shoals Middle and High School, on being named to the Scroll of Excellence by the Women Band Directors International.  

She joins an elite group of female band directors from SC who have previously received this prestigious award.  

2011 – Connie Grantham  
2006 – Edna Grace
1993 – Kelly Hennessee Tucker
1992 – Mary Lou Schweickert
1991 – Debbie Oxner
1990 – Lorraine Paris
1989 – Joni Mabry Brown

The purpose of this award is to honor outstanding women band directors who:

  1. Consistently produces bands of superior performance level with programs of high musical quality, and/or has contributed significantly in other ways to instrumental education.
  2. Actively participate in leadership roles in regional and/or state events.

Christie is a graduate of Midland Valley High School and Anderson University. Prior to coming to Ware Shoals, she served as band director at Blackville-Hilda High School in Barnwell County and Brewer Middle School in Greenwood District 50.

While in Ware Shoals, both the band and choral programs have seen consistent growth in numbers and participation in State Activities. Since her arrival in 2007, the band program has grown from 14 students to 110 students participating in grades 6-12.  The Ware Shoals High School “Million Dollar Band” has been revitalized through school, community and alumni support and was named a Class 1A SCBDA State Marching Band Finalist in 2010 and 2012 and 2013.  The band program seeks to serve 50% of the sixth grade students in beginning band and retains a high percentage in the high school, helping to create the largest student group in the district. The band also incorporates the largest group of parent volunteers in the school system. The Ware Shoals High School Band participates in every area of the South Carolina Band Directors Association and has earned the SCBDA Outstanding Performance Award for the last two years.

An active clinician and judge for bands in South Carolina, Mrs. Hodge is a member of the Denmark Society of Anderson University, Who’s Who Among American College Students, Who’s Who Among American Teachers, South Carolina Band Director’s Association, and National Association for Music Education. She has served on the SCBDA’s Marching, Award and All State Committees. She was voted Ware Shoals Teacher of the Year in 2014-15.